“Daring to be family” – exploring being families today
Uniting Network Australia invites you…
Daring 2012
“Daring to be family” – exploring being families today
Adelaide gathering (8 – 11 June 2012)
Explore your faith
Enjoy workshops
Make friends & have fun
Share meals
Check out the draft programme here.
The Daring Gathering is a once-every-two-years gathering of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered people, their families, friends and supporters within the Uniting Church in Australia, who gather together from across the nation to reflect on their journey to date and envision their future. The first gathering was held in Adelaide in 1994, with the theme “Daring to speak – daring to listen”. The gathering is open to people of all faiths or no faith who are interested in supporting this journey.
Venue: Church of The Trinity (318 Goodwood Rd, Clarence Park, SA [only 5 mins from CBD])
Keynote Speaker: Rev Dr Margaret Maymen – from NZ
A Bio about Margaret
Margaret has been senior minister at St. Andrew’s on The Terrace since February 2002. She is passionate about creating joyful and inspiring worship, compassionate community, and the work of justice and peace. Margaret was ordained in 1982 after studying at Victoria University and Otago University for a BA in political science and religious studies, and a BTheol in Biblical and Pastoral Studies. After a short-term interim ministry, she moved to New York where she gained STM and M.Phil degrees in Christian Ethics and began PhD studies at Union Theological Seminary. She also taught feminist theology and ethics at Maryknoll School of Theology, and undergraduate Religious Studies at the New School for Social Research. In 1995, after 12 years in New York, Margaret retuned to New Zealand and was inducted as minister at St. Ninian’s in Christchurch. During that time, she completed her PhD, which was awarded in 2001. Her doctoral dissertation was titled “Raising Voices: Re-Visioning Moral Agency in Intimate Violence Discourses.” During her ministry in Christchurch, Margaret came out as lesbian and has been involved in working to promotes the inclusion of gay and lesbian people in the Presbyterian Church. From 2002 to 2005, Margaret participated in the annual United Nations Commission on the Status of Women meeting in New York, representing the Association of Presbyterian Women. She founded Christians for Civil Unions and advocated for the passage of the Civil Union Act. Margaret’s interests include politics and economics, queer spirituality, human rights advocacy, peace issues, sexual justice, reading fiction and theology, film, eclectic music, podcast documentaries, camping, and café culture.
Registrations now open – please complete & return registration form with your payment today PayPal options below).
Early-bird (avail. until 31 March)
Waged $100.00 (pay now via PayPal)
Unwaged $90.00 (pay now via PayPal)
Late-birds (after 31 March)
Waged $120.00 (pay now via PayPal)
Unwaged $90.00 (pay now via PayPal)
Waged $50.00 (pay now via PayPal)
Unwaged $45.00 (pay now via PayPal)
½ day Waged $30.00 (pay now via PayPal)
Unwaged $25.00 (pay now via PayPal)
Children 5-14yrs $40 (pay now via PayPal)
Dinner/entertainment (Saturday night) $40pp (pay now via PayPal)
Free crèche
(available Sat, Sun afternoon, & Mon morning)
NOTE: All PayPal transactions include a small fee to cover costs.
Need accommodation?
Billetting is available (apply on reg. form above) OR there are some motels close by (Church of the Trinity is a 5 min. drive outside the City of Adelaide).
Adelaide Riviera – North Terrace
South Park Ridges – South Terrace
Chifftley on the Park – South Terrace
Green Ways – North Adelaide
For more info email leanne.jenski@optusnet.com.au or phone Val on 08 8293 3980 or find us on Facebook (“Daring 2012″).